For Providers
Clean and complete clinical data is the key to predicting outcomes
Quality healthcare data fuels all the tools that help providers serve their patients and deliver better outcomes. Complex, convoluted, and siloed healthcare data can mean all the difference in delivering exemplary care and identifying care gaps.
Helping you streamline your workload
Reduce the burden of payer clinical data requests.
Enable and improve data-driven decisions for payer-contract negotiations.
Improve communication pathways with care providers.
Get more of your data, faster.
Increase flexibility to roll with business and policy changes.
Improve reimbursement from payers.
Your organization will have a dependable bridge to reliable clinical data

With fully curated data sets for primary cost drivers like diabetes and CHF, you can achieve better preventative care and chronic condition management outcomes.
Data Curation as a Service SM (DCaaS) data modules
Enterprise Data Curation SM
InFocus Cohort SM
The impact of curated and enriched data
Our clients have achieved more than a 500% improvement in data quality–from 14% actionability to 89% after data curation and enrichment.
Actionable Data
Actionable Data
(Curated & Enriched)
Overall Lab Results:
63% more labs formed and coded
Cardiology Lab Results:
70% more cardiology labs codes
63% more cardiology results codes
56% more mammogram codes uncovered
Source: Independently verified Verinovum study in July 2018 on behalf of a major plan which included a sample of 55 clinical locations.
“Successful deployment of a comprehensive health data curation and enrichment hub, like Verinovum, is a foundational component of the real-time health system, conducting digital healthcare, and the ability to execute population health and community care management.”
Gartner Hype Cycle for U.S. Healthcare Payers, August 2020